

Installation K8S

Architecture Single-node With a single-node deployment, all the components run on the same server. This is great for testing, learning, and developing around Kubernetes. Single head node, multiple workers Adding more workers, a single head node and multiple workers typically…

Plugins for K8S

Tools for installation kubespray: : : : Kind is one of a few methods to run Kubernetes locally. It is currently written to work with Docker. Plugin networks


Network Summary Networking basics Network Namespaces CoreDns Cluster Networking Networking basics Internet The network view of internet : Backbon are big fiber cables between states or cities. the peering can be between two AS and the numerci logictic can be…

Préparer son projet Pro

Préparer son projet Pro Sommaire Qui suis-je (compétences et motivations) Préparer son CV Préparer son pitch Préparer son entretien 10 tips à retenir Qui suis-je (compétences et motivations) Afin de répondre à cette question tu peux t’aider avec ce tableau…


Security Summary Security Primitives Authentication and service Accounts TLS Basics and in Kubernetes Certificates API KubeConfig API Groups Authorization Role Based Access Controls (RBAC) Cluster Roles and Role Bindings Service Accounts Image Security Security Contexts Network Policy Kubectx and Kubens…

Outils de travail

Conception: UML   ou et séquence : Gestion de projet : Jir@ Documentation : Confluence Gestion de code : Git pour configurer git, vous pouvez utiliser gitbash ou Cmder, git config –global “username” git config –global “ git…


Storage Summary Storage in Docker Volume Persistent Volume Persistent Volume Claim Access Modes for Volumes Kubernetes Storage Object Configure Applications With Persistent Storage Storage in Docker Create a volume in docker : docker volume create data_volume This command create a…

Cluster Maintenance

Cluster Maintenance Summary Os Upgrades Kub Versions and Working with ETCDCTL Backup and Restore Os Upgrades Attribut to know : kube-controller-manager –pod -eviction-timeout=5m0s : when a node is timeouted and returned, all pods are destroyed and the node is clean.…

Application Lifecycle Management

Application Lifecycle Management Summary  Rolling Updates and Rollbacks in Deployments  Configure Applications  Scale Applications  Self-Healing Application Rolling Updates and Rollbacks in Deployments Deployment strategy: there is two strategies Recreate : delete all pods and create new pods ==> unavailability of…