Application Lifecycle Management
- Rolling Updates and Rollbacks in Deployments
- Configure Applications
- Scale Applications
- Self-Healing Application
Rolling Updates and Rollbacks in Deployments
Deployment strategy: there is two strategies
- Recreate : delete all pods and create new pods ==> unavailability of applications
type: Recreate
- Rolling Update : delete and create pods one by one or 2 by 2 ... (default strategy in K8S)
type: RollingUpdate
maxUnavailable: 0
maxSurge: 1
Summarize Commands
kubectl rollout status deployment/myapp-deployment (know the status of the rolling update)
kubectl rollout history deployment/myapp-deployment (know histroy revisions to apply a rollout undo with a specific revision)
kubectl create –f deployment-definition.yml
kubectl get deployments
kubectl apply –f deployment-definition.yml
kubectl set image deployment.apps/deployment-name container-name=new-image-name
kubectl rollout undo deployment/myapp-deployment (undo to a specific revision:kubectl rollout undo deployment.apps/demo-app --to-revision=2
Configure Applications
Configure application need to understand : configuring command and arguments on applications, Environnement variables and secrets
Configure command are in docker files or pod definition :
docker file : from Ubuntu CMD sleep 5 commands: docker build -t ubuntu-sleeper docker run ubuntu-sleeper CMD command param1 : CMD sleep 5 CMD["command","param1"] : CMD["sleep","5"] The parameter '5' is hard coded, if we want to run a container and changing parameters during pod running like docker run ubuntu-sleeper 10 (argument) docker file with cmd as argument: FROM Ubuntu ENTRYPOINT["sleep"] CMD["5"] commands with the file over : docker run --name ubuntu-sleeper ubuntu-sleeper 10 or docker run --entrypoint sleep2.0 ubuntu-sleeper 10
Pod definition : 'command' replace 'ENTRYPOINT in a docker file and args the CMD in a docker file. the file is the equivalent of 'docker run --entrypoint sleep2.0 ubuntu-sleeper 10'
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: ubuntu-sleeper-pod spec: containers: - name: ubuntu-sleeper image: ubuntu-sleeper command: ["sleep2.0"] args: ["10"]
For configuration of variables env, there is various methodes :
- Key value method :apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: envar-demo labels: purpose: demonstrate-envars spec: containers: - name: envar-demo-container image: env: - name: DEMO_GREETING value: "Hello from the environment" - name: DEMO_FAREWELL value: "Such a sweet sorrow"
- ConfigMapkeyref methodapiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: envar-demo labels: purpose: demonstrate-envars spec: containers: - name: envar-demo-container image: env: - name: DEMO_GREETING valueFrom: configMapKeyRef:
- SecretKeyRef methodapiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: envar-demo labels: purpose: demonstrate-envars spec: containers: - name: envar-demo-container image: env: - name: DEMO_GREETING valueFrom: secretKeyRef:
Details of ConfigMaps:
when we have a lot of env variables, it's important to use configMaps :
create a configMap imperative:
kubectl create configmap \ name-configmap --from-literal=APP_COLOR_KEY=blue_value kubectl create configmap \ name-configmap
or declarative:
apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: game-demo data: # property-like keys; each key maps to a simple value player_initial_lives: "3" ui_properties_file_name: ""
kubectl create -f config-map.yaml kubectl get configmaps to inject config map into a pod:apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: envar-demo labels: purpose: demonstrate-envars spec: containers: - name: envar-demo-container image: envFrom: - configMapKeyRef: name: app-configmap
there is also many method to inject configmap into a pod definitoon yaml plus envForm:
Single env :
valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: app-config key: APP_COLOR
- name: app-config-volume configMap: name: app-config
Details of Secrets method:
- Create a secret imperative:
kubectl create secret \ name-secret --from-literal=DB_HOSTY=mysql \ --from-literal=DB_User=root --from-literal=DB_Password=passwrd or kubectl create secret \ name-secret
- Create a secret declarative
apiVersion: v1 kind: secret metadata: name: app-secret data: DB_Host: mysql DB_User: root DB_Password: passwrd
kubectl create -f secret-data.yaml
kubectl get secrets
to inject secret created before into a pod:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: envar-demo
purpose: demonstrate-envars
- name: envar-demo-container
- secretRef:
name: app-secret
There is also many method to inject secrets into a pod definition yaml rather than envForm:
Single env :
valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: app-secret key: DB_Password
- name: app-secret-volume secret: secretName: app-secret
To check volumes inside container : ls /opt/app-secret-volumes or cat /opt/app-secret-volumes/DB_Password
Secret are not encrypted in etcd
Don't forget to consider secrets providers : Vault Provider (, AWS Provider....
Scale Applications
Scale application with creating other containers by changing or yaml file, we can use multi-container or sidecar when we need an agent :
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: simple-webapp
name: simple-webapp
- name: simple-webapp
image: simple-webapp
- containerPort: 8080
- name: log-agent
image: log-agent
There are tree pattern for multi-container Pods : SideCar, Adapter and Ambassador
at times you may want to run a process that runs to completion in a container. For example a process that pulls a code or binary from a repository that will be used by the main web application. That is a task that will be run only one time when the pod is first created. Or a process that waits for an external service or database to be up before the actual application starts. That's where initContainers comes in, for more information :
Self-Healing Application
For self healing application, two concept are used : through Liveness and Readiness Probes